A tale of irony.
Friday evening, I left the office to a very pleasant surprise: Mid-40-degree temperatures. Now, I'm far from being a Seasonal Affective Disorder sufferer, but Spring is my favorite season solely due to the elation of seeing warmer weather arrive after a long, dismal Winter. And that is what I experienced walking out of the office on Friday evening.
No. No... I experienced so much more.
It's a huge understatement to say that this excitement -- this exhilaration -- is sheerly because of warmer temperatures. There was so much Spring to experience on Friday:
- A cool (not cold!), fresh breeze that carried a delightful hint-of-rain smell
- Actually reveling in the breeze instead of pulling my coat hood down lower and bracing myself against the wind
- Soft, relaxing rain pinging on the windows
- Sun! Even if it was only occasionally peeking from behind the rain clouds
But I couldn't, so I just walked slowly, soaking in every second of it and knowing more days like this are to come, because this was a promise of Spring.
The funny thing is, I started drafting this post on Friday night, but got tired and waited to finish it today. Let me just say that it's a good thing March gives us these little nuggets occasionally, because this has been the, umm, "experience" all afternoon:
I'm grateful I had the memory of yesterday as I shouldered my way through the freezing cold today.
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