Getting past the writer's block

My life as I knew it pretty much halted while I was sick, and I've found it to be a very slow process to get everything in my life back up to speed like it was just a couple weeks ago.  I hadn't been sick like this in several years, and I didn't take it very well, for whatever reason.  Being eight months pregnant probably didn't help.

So I needed to write a blog post just to write something again.  I have no clever topic -- not even a non-clever topic in mind.  But I need to write a post, because if I don't, I'm afraid this blog is going to lapse into stagnation like my (what feels like) hundreds of other blogs and journals before it, and I'd be disappointed.  I really want this one to stick.

For those concerned parties out there, I'm feeling better, by the way.  I'm taking my last antibiotic tomorrow morning.  My cough is slowly but surely dwindling to nothing, and my congestion is about gone.  Whew.

My daughter and I had a fun time blowing bubbles in the house this evening.  It was too cold and rainy to go outside, so we had our own springtime indoors, followed by rocky road ice cream of course (sweetened with Splenda so I had some too).  She's getting so big, so smart, so very fast.  My heart just breaks with love and admiration for her on a daily basis.  Not sure how it's going to be possible to love two little people this much.  How does one heart hold so much?  It's almost impossible to comprehend.

Yesterday, I started reading a women's devotional Bible I purchased awhile ago (could actually be an entire year ago now).  It's one of those Bibles that has daily devotions and prayers, and guides you through reading the entire Bible in a year.  As I started the journey yesterday, it made me wonder, how is the devotions author going to make the more "historical" sections of the Bible spiritually relevant?  You know, the parts about who descended from whom, that seem to go on and on.  I'm curious, but don't know enough about the Bible to know how to skip ahead to one of those sections to see (hence my taking on this endeavor in the first place), so time will have to tell.  I will wait patiently.

Well, exhaustion is taking over, so I will give in and go to bed.  Tomorrow's only Wednesday?  I find myself looking forward to eight weeks of maternity leave a lot lately, even though it means sleepless nights once again.  It'll be a special time.


mnyce March 23, 2011 at 7:42 AM  

Sooo glad you're feeling better, Fallon. It's tough to recover when your body is putting most it's effort into the little one. Take care. :)

Anonymous April 4, 2011 at 1:47 PM  

I'm smack dab in the middle of that same writer's block, Fal. *bleh* I hate it & don't understand why it reared its ugly head. Usually the words are just dying to escape from the tips of my fingers... but not for the last couple weeks.


So glad you wrote this post through it all. I loved reading it. <3 <3 <3

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    The '30 before 30' project

    1. Learn a new piano piece
    2. Complete the Couch-to-5K running plan
    3. Take Hip Hop dance lessons
    4. Fully develop my blogging persona
    5. Find a new hairstyle I like that's not a ponytail
    6. Spring clean my house
    7. Read a total of ten books from TIME's Top 100 list
    8. Get all dressed up and have a fancy, romantic date with my husband
    9. Complete Pimsleur Italian I
    10. Clean off Nan's desk in the corner and make it a proper writing space
    11. Buy new lingerie that is hot, hot, hot
    12. Weed the front flower bed and keep it weedless
    13. Go clothes shopping once per season
    14. Finally read the manual for my camera
    15. Buy a pair of TOMS
    16. Open savings accounts and Roth IRAs for our kids
    17. Take my mom and sister to a live musical
    18. Get down to my pre-kids weight
    19. (Re-)Learn ten constellations
    20. Bake cookies with my oldest daughter
    21. Have a Glee marathon / sleepover with my sister
    22. Go geocaching
    23. Release a book into the wild
    24. Walk / Run / Bike for charity
    25. Take my lunch to work four times a week for a month
    26. Update our very outdated household monthly budget
    27. Mail at least one greeting card to a family member or friend every month
    28. Get another family photo taken
    29. Visit my family (Mom, Dad, siblings) more than I do now
    30. Take in tasty treats to work for my 30th

    On my nightstand
