Kindred spirits

"Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world."
— L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables)
After graduating from college, it can be difficult to make good friends — really good friends with which you feel a special connection.  But it can happen, and two of mine got married this weekend, to each other.

Besides simply enjoying their company this weekend, I had a wonderfully memorable time at their wedding, because it was no ordinary event.  The wedding and reception were very carefully constructed by both of them, the entire event being filled with their favorite things.  They truly immersed us in their lives for a full day, showing us what they love and share as a couple, like:

  • Playing Rock Band together instead of having a first dance
  • Serving their favorite foods for dinner (no, Chipotle didn't cater, but tacos were still enjoyed by all)
  • Putting a lot of work into the centerpieces, composing them of books and toys that not only told us what entertains them, but also entertained us through the evening

I've never been to a wedding that was so carefully planned by the bride and groom to include so many favorite details from their lives.  This was no generic event.  This was a full day-in-the-life of these two beautiful people.

In that way, being there for their wedding made me even happier.  Seeing and experiencing these tidbits with them all day, recognizing each favorite and sharing stories with other guests as I enjoyed each one, made the day even more special than it already was.  They put their love into each detail, and it was felt by all of us.

So to my two kindred spirits, thank you for sharing your lives with me, not only this weekend but for the past several years.  My heart aches as you move away, but now there's another city on my list that is a "must-visit" in the near future.  I'll add it next to London.  (My kindred spirits are global!)


Anonymous May 23, 2011 at 2:12 PM  

What a special tribute to what must have been a very special event!! I'm so glad you got to go, Fal.

Veronica May 23, 2011 at 10:15 PM  

You just made me cry! We will miss you guys so much - but I foresee many Renaissance Festivals and other such festivities ahead for us. :)

Edit: Sorry it says Veronica; it's Adele, but I made this google account ages ago when I was terrified to give out my real name on the Internet, lol

Fallon May 24, 2011 at 2:32 PM  

Yes! Renaissance Festivals! I haven't been to one of those in way too long. It's a date. :-D

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    The '30 before 30' project

    1. Learn a new piano piece
    2. Complete the Couch-to-5K running plan
    3. Take Hip Hop dance lessons
    4. Fully develop my blogging persona
    5. Find a new hairstyle I like that's not a ponytail
    6. Spring clean my house
    7. Read a total of ten books from TIME's Top 100 list
    8. Get all dressed up and have a fancy, romantic date with my husband
    9. Complete Pimsleur Italian I
    10. Clean off Nan's desk in the corner and make it a proper writing space
    11. Buy new lingerie that is hot, hot, hot
    12. Weed the front flower bed and keep it weedless
    13. Go clothes shopping once per season
    14. Finally read the manual for my camera
    15. Buy a pair of TOMS
    16. Open savings accounts and Roth IRAs for our kids
    17. Take my mom and sister to a live musical
    18. Get down to my pre-kids weight
    19. (Re-)Learn ten constellations
    20. Bake cookies with my oldest daughter
    21. Have a Glee marathon / sleepover with my sister
    22. Go geocaching
    23. Release a book into the wild
    24. Walk / Run / Bike for charity
    25. Take my lunch to work four times a week for a month
    26. Update our very outdated household monthly budget
    27. Mail at least one greeting card to a family member or friend every month
    28. Get another family photo taken
    29. Visit my family (Mom, Dad, siblings) more than I do now
    30. Take in tasty treats to work for my 30th

    On my nightstand
